What to get the medieval enthusiast who has everything

What to get the medieval enthusiast who has everything? Why not a black dress that is everything? Behold, the Bellydance Gypsy Renaissance Pirate Medieval Peasant Witch Costume Dress Chemise Top:

(Click to zooooooom)

Or perhaps the question is, “Why cosplay as one historical thing, when you can be seven all at once?” Available at Amazon.

[UPDATE] ((Does it count as an update if I noticed it while writing the post and decided to add it before I published it?  I’m going to say yes.)) It gets better if you check the fine print:

The Renaissance was a lot like the Civil War, right? ((What? There were civil wars during the Middle Ages, too? Carry on, then, my bad.)) The War Between the States surely featured a lot of women in off-the-shoulder dresses vamping it up, didn’t it?

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