
It is with some chagrin that I make this announcement, but here goes: Got Medieval’s on Twitter, too, dammit. And I was so enjoying being oh-so-above-it. But the Twitter, she’s been good to me of late, so I really can’t pretend it makes sense to continue holding out on her.

I imagine that when medievalists decide to make the Twitter plunge they often quote a few lines from The Parliament of Fowls, you know, all blossomy bows and birds singing in angel-voiced harmony and so on, but I feel rather a bit like Chaucer in The House of Fame when the eagle swoops down:

And with hys grymme pawes stronge,
Withyn hys sharpe nayles longe,
Me, fleynge, in a swap he hente,
And with hys sours ayen up wente,
Me caryinge in his clawes starke
As lyghtly as I were a larke.

I’m not sure where this bird’s taking me, and I’m pretty sure she’s going to start making disparaging comments about my weight any minute now.  Still, if you’re interested, you can now follow the blog at Twitter, too.  Have at it, hyper-connected folk:

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