Ye Olde Internete vs. Ye Olde Researche Paepers

I think with my recent Mmm… Marginalia I’ve at long last located the medieval equivalent of the old “Honestly, Who Could Be Expected to Make the Right Decision?” (AKA The Internet vs Research Paper) cartoon that would probably be posted on every professor’s office door if professors who tend to post things on their office doors updated said doors more than once every six years.*  Behold!

If I were better at Photoshop, I’d make the sign on the left read “The Margin” and on the right “Historiated Initials”.**  But then nobody’d link this because only I’d care. So my poor Photoshop skills are for the best.

*Or hadn’t moved on to blogging.
**Or, maybe, “Minstrelry” on the left and “Liturgy” on the right.

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