Hey kids, remember, Valentine’s Day is less than a week away. In honor of that most romantic of holidays, I present you the most romantic of marginal images, the King of Love from the Maastricht Hours*:
According to Andreas the Chaplain (or Andreas Cappellanus, if you prefer), thirty-one rules have been handed down by the God of Love. They are as follows**:
- Love is greedy.
- Love is jealous.
- Love is always growing or fading; it is never still.
- If love fades, it dies quickly and rarely revives.
- Jealousy makes love grow.
- It should take nothing at all to cause you to suspect your love might leave.
- If you could never suspect your lover of leaving you, then you are not in love.
- To love is to be controlled by love.
- Everything the lover does is done out of love.
- The lover thinks nothing good that would not please their beloved.
- Secret loves endure; the public rarely do.
- Easy love fades easily; the more difficult the love, the sweeter.
- If you desire another, then you are no longer in love.
- There is no sweetness when love is forced.
- No one should be denied love.
- Good character alone makes a person worthy of love.
- The young do not love, though they think they do.
- No one can love two people at the same time.
- A new love puts to flight the old.
- And yet nothing prevents two people loving the same person.
- Even married people may fall in love.
- But unless you could marry your lover without shame, you are not in love.
- It takes two years a widow to mourn a true love lost.
- If you can see your beloved without going pale, you are no longer in love.
- If you can see your beloved without your heart skipping, you are no longer in love.
- If you do not fear losing your beloved, you are no longer in love.
- True love makes you restless, kills your appetite, and keeps you up at night.
- Love can deny nothing to love.
- You can never get enough of your beloved, if love is true.
- If loving too much worries you, you will rarely love.
- If you are truly in love, you will think always of your love, without ceasing.
*The same manuscript in which you may find “To Arms, My Monkey Brethren.”
**Paraphrased (in some cases substantially) and re-ordered for modern eyes and ears by moi.