Stonhenge Hidden in Windows 7 (from Americans, anyway)

As you might have deduced from my comments in the search engine rundown, I recently installed the Windows 7 Release Candidate on my main machine. Poking around looking for new themes with which to customize my desktop tonight, I found this site, which explains how to enable the themes meant for other regions that are hidden within the Windows system files. After enabling the themes meant for people in the UK, I was pleasantly surprised when my background changed to an image of Stonehenge. So now my desktop looks like this:

It may be the first time ever that Microsoft has made me go “Hey, that’s pretty neat.” And for the record, Stonehenge is a properly medieval subject. Don’t believe the reports that it was built by neolithic cultures as a star calendar or what have you. As anyone who reads Geoffrey of Monmouth knows, Stonehenge was brought to England from Ireland in the sixth century by King Arthur’s father Uther Pendragon (with substantial assistance from Merlin) to serve as a funeral monument to the native Britons who had been slaughtered mercilessly by Saxon treachery. Uther and his brother Ambrosius Aurelianus were later buried there as well (but not in that order).

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