Free Bonus Valentines Day Marginalia

I realize I missed a week’s marginalia two Mondays ago, and no doubt you have all been alternately jittery with anticipation and lethargic with despair. So to make it up to you, here’s a little bonus from the margins of the ever-present MS Douce 6, AKA my favorite manuscript ever. Here we have a lover, wounded by Cupid’s arrow, offering his heart to his beloved to be healed:

You have my permission to print off as many of these as you want and hand them out as valentines.* You can even scribble “I Choo-Choo-Choose You” beneath the dripping blood. But you should probably make sure your beloveds are medievalists or medieval enthusiasts, otherwise you might get sent to the principal’s office for making terroristic threats.

*But if you want a magnet or a coaster, you’ll have to visit Ye Olde Got Medieval Shoppe over at CafePress.

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