And Now a Word from Our Sponsors

In the months since I opened my CafePress store, I have literally made tens of dollars providing the world with monkey-related paraphernalia, most of which I immediately invested back into CafePress by purchasing my own stuff.*  

In light of this overwhelming success and in anticipation of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I’ve finally gotten around to adding magnets of some of the popular Historic Personals I run in the sidebar. I’m still playing with the design, but I think what I’ve got now is sufficient to allow you to festoon your fridge** with magnets advertising the fictional romantic availability of hella_loise, hugetractsofland, and amorvincet1282.  This, of course, in addition to all the fine simian products already on offer.

*A few more sales and I’ll have enough to complete my set and maybe, just maybe, to put monkey magnets in my immediate family members’ stockings this year–though, perhaps not the one with the monkey evacuating his bowels in front of a bishop.  That one’s more a birthday gift, really.

**Or any other metal surface, but if you pick one that starts with an F it’ll preserve the alliteration.
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