More YouTubey Goodness: An Animated Bayeux Tapestry

Via Every Time a Synapse Fires:*

Part Monty Python,** part medieval artifact, part homage to Civilization II–and about 1000% more interesting than the sterile, dutiful display of the actual tapestry in that dingy little museum.

I suppose I should do my medievalist due diligence and note that the video does prune the Bayeux narrative a good bit. It leaves out Harold’s weird fishing expedition (or whatever it was) that leaves him stranded and captive, his misadventures with William on the continent, the uncertain oath scene–you know, the bits you’d leave out if you were going to make a Hollywood movie of the story.

*I worry about posting YouTube videos after the fiasco of the “Introducing the Book” link. Here is a direct link to the video in question. If it doesn’t work, then go do a search for “Animated Bayeux Tapestry.” It’s not my job to make sure you can follow this link.
**Which part? The part Gilliam lifted*** directly from medieval art.
***And I mean lifted in a good way. Don’t worry, the Middle Ages wasn’t big on intellectual property restrictions.

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