Read the hell out of this, stat

I think I tweeted a link to this guy before, but then V&V went and reminded me he exists and I fell in love all over again.  I speak of Myths RETOLD, specifically his version of Part I of Beowulf. ((Influenced somewhat by the movie, but in a good way.))

Here’s a bit for the flavor.  He makes some good points, I think.

see at the start of this story
basically what Grendel is doing
is every night
when Hrothgar settles down to have himself a sweet party
in his meadhall
Grendel comes charging out of the swamp
humps the door down
and proceeds to play cockhockey with the internal organs
of all the people who are trying to get their booze on
he does this FOR TWELVE YEARS
there are several shocking things about this
one is that these are twelve years of solid murder we are talking about
but more importantly
where do they keep getting dudes
to come to these parties
after say
the first SIX YEARS of unstoppable death
you would think word would get around
like hey
party at Hrothgar’s crib tonight
are you coming
but perhaps most bizarre
is the fact that Hrothgar CONTINUES to party throughout these 12 years
this is clearly a man who is committed to partying

Again, you can read the rest here.

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